Hello, I'm
Kiki Lombarts
professor professional performance AMC
An introduction
The common thread through my working life can be summarized as 'doctors and quality'. Or more specifically, the quality of (the functioning of) medical specialists. For more than 30 years I have been researching, following, advising and guiding them. I talk with and about doctors, watch them and sometimes keep an eye on them. It keeps me fascinated.
On this website I tell you more about it and you can read what it has yielded (my performance), what occupies me now (my news ) and what I am working on (my agenda)..
In delivering the Anatomical Lecture, British professor Sadaf Farooqi, Professor of Metabolism and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, educated around 2,000 people on the genetic causes of obesity. The pre-program was designed as both "learning and amusement." It’s no longer news that the industry entices us to consume unhealthy, (literally) disease-causing products, but it is still surprising that stronger actions are not being taken. Fortunately, Trijntje Oosterhuis serenaded us with her rendition of What the world needs now.... in the always impressive Royal Concertbuilding.