
The WellNext Scan: Validity Evidence of a New Team-based Tool to Map and Support Physicians’ wellbeing in the Clinical Work Context
Sofia Abedali, Joost van den Berg, Alina Smirnova, Maarten Debets, Rosa Bogerd, Kiki Lombarts
PLoS ONE (accepted)
Professional Performance van Artsen: Goed en Gelukkig gaan Hand in Hand
Prof. Dr. Kiki M.J.M.H. Lombarts
NTvG 2024; D8387R2 (in press)
Appreciating Appreciation: Residents Experience ‘Feeling Valued’ Differently as Learners, Physicians and Employees
Rosa Bogerd, Milou Silkens, Jose Henriques, Kiki Lombarts
Academic Medicine 2024; 23 dec
Compassionate care through the eyes of patients and physicians: An interview study
Maarten P. M. Debets, Iris Jansen, Marielle Diepeveen, Rosa Bogerd, Bert A. C. Molewijk, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Kiki M. J. M. H. Lombarts
PLoS One, 2024 Jul 10;19(7):e0305007
System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities (SETQ) Smart for use in Brazil: resident’s version
N. Cambion Berezza, K. Lombarts, S. Camboin del Rio Naiz, F. del Castanhel, S. Grosseman
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica
The Next Era of Assessment: Building a Trustworthy Assessment System
H. Caretta-Weyer, A. Smirnova, M. Barone, J. Frank, T. Hernandez-Boussard, D. Levinson, K. Lombarts, K. Lomis, A. Martini, D. Schumacher, D. Turner, A. Schuh
Perspectives on Medical Education
Doctors’ alertness, contentedness and calmness before and after night shifts: a latent profile analysis
M Debets M, F Tummers, M Silkens, C Huizinga, K Lombarts, K van der Bogt
Human Resources for Health 2023; aug 21
Linking leadership development programs for physicians with organization-level outcomes: a realist review
M Debets, I Jansen, K Lombarts, W Kuijer-Siebelink, K Kruijthof, Y Steinert, J Adams, M Silkens
BMC Health Serv Res 2023 Jul 21;23(1):783.
The relationship between physicians’ self-kindness and professional fulfillment and the mediating role of personal resilience and work-home interference: A cross-sectional study
R Bogerd, M Debets, D Keuken, R Hassink, J Henrique, K Lombarts
PLoS One, 2023 Apr 24
Health care Professionals’ Perceptions of Unprofessional Behaviour in the Clinical Workplace
Dabekaussen KFFA, Scheepers RA, Heineman E, Haber AL, Lombarts KMJMH, Jaarsma ADC, Shapiro J.
PLOS One, 2023 Jan 19
Work-related Well-being among Dutch Cardiologists – A National Survey
Bogerd R, Silkens MEWM, Keuken DG, Hassink RJ, Henrique JPS, Lombarts KMJMH
Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Apr;48(4):101538.
Exploring Nurses’ Role in Guiding Residents’ Workplace Learning: a Mixed-Method Study
I. Jansen, M.Silkens, G. Galema, H. Vermeulen, S. Geerlings, K. Lombarts, R. Stalmeijer
Med Educ. 2023 May;57(5):440-451. Epub 2022 Oct 26.
Using Resident Sensitive Quality Measures derived from electronic health record data to assess residents’ performance in pediatric emergency medicine
A. Smirnova, S. Chahine, C. Milani, A. Schuh, S. Sebok-Syer, J. Schwarz, J. Wilhite, A. Kalet, S. Durning, K. Lombarts, C. van der Vleuten, D. Schumacher
Acad Med. 2023 Mar 1;98(3):367-375. Epub 2022 Nov 8.
A structural equation mondeling analysis on relationships of job demands and resources with work engagement, burn-out and workability: an observational study among physicians in Dutch hospitals
Debets M, Scheepers R, Silkens M, Lombarts K.
BMJ Open 2022; dec 30;12(12):e062603
Medicine is Not Gender Neutral – She is Male
Kiki M.J. Lombarts, Abraham Verghese
N Engl J Med 2022; Mar 31;386(13): 1284-87
Building organizations, setting minds: exploring how boards of Dutch Medical Specialist Companies address physicians professional performance
Debets MP, Silkens CWM, Kruijthof KCJ, Lombarts KMJMH
BMC Heath Services Research 2022;22(1):155
Supporting resident well-being on and outside the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic: the use and value of institutional interventions and individual strategies
Scheepers RA, Geerlings SE, Van der Meulen M, Lombarts K
Med Educ Online 2021;26(1):1978129
Designing a system for performance appraisal: balancing physicians’ accountability and professional development
Elisa Bindels; Benjamin Boerebach; Renée Scheepers; Annemiek Nooteboom; Albert Scherpbier; Sylvia Heeneman; Kiki Lombarts
BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1): 800
Sharing Reflections on Multisource Feedback in a Peer Group Setting: Stimulating Physicians’ Professional Performance and Development
E Bindels, M van den Goor, A Scherpbier, K. Lombarts, S Heeneman
Acad Med 2021;96(10): 1449-1456
When Feedback Backfires: influences of Negative Discrepancies Between Physicians’ Self and Assessors’ Scores on their Subesequent Multisource Feedback Ratings
M. van der Meulen, O A Arah, S Heeneman, M Oude Egbrink, C van der Vleuten, K Lombarts
JCEHP 2021; 21 April
An act of performance: Exploring residents’ decision-making processes to seek help
Jansen I, Stalmeijer R, Silkens M, Lombarts K
Med Educ 2021;55(6): 758-767
Variability of residents’ ratings of faculty’s teaching performance measured by five- and seven-point response scales
M Debets, R Scheepers, B Boerebach, O Arah, K Lombarts
BMC Med Educ; 2020;22;20(1):325.
Developing and piloting a well-being program for hospital-based physicians
M Debets, K Lombarts, N Hugenholtz, R Scheepers
Perspect Med Educ. 2020 Jul 28
Associations between job demands, job resources and patient-related burnout amongst physicians: results from a multicenter observational study
R Scheepers, M Silkens, J van den Berg, K Lombarts
BMJ Open; 2020;10(9):e038466.
Patient safety in medical residency training: balancing bravery and chacklists
Bressers G, Wallenburg I, Stalmeijer R, Oude-Egbrink M, Lombarts K
Health (London); 2020; Jan 21
The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Doctors’ Well-being and Performance
Scheepers R, Emke H, Epstein R, Lombarts K
Med Educ. 2020 Feb;54(2):138-149
The Surgical Hazardous Attitudes Reflection Profile (SHARP) Instrument – A Prototype Study
Kirsten F A A Dabekaussen, Renée A Scheepers, Erik Heineman, Kiki M J M H Lombarts
Jour Surg Educ; 2020 Mar-Apr;77(2):422-437.
Persoonlijk leiderschap voor ‘dokters met een koel hoofd en warm hart’
Kiki Lombarts
MemoRad. 2019;24-3; 8-9.
Team up! Linking teamwork effectiveness of clinical teaching teams to residents’ experienced learning climate.
Jansen I, Silkens MEWM, Stalmeijer RE, Lombarts KMJMH.
Med Teach 2019; Jul 31:1-7.
A New Multisource Feedback Tool for Evaluating the Performance of Specialty-Specific Physician Groups: Validity of the Group Monitor Instrument.
Bindels E, Boerebach B, van der Meulen M, Donkers J, van den Goor M, Scherpbier A, Lombarts K, Heeneman S.
J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2019;39(3):168-177
Exploring Validity Evidence Associated With Questionnaire-Based Tools for Assessing the Professional Performance of Physicians: A Systematic Review.
van der Meulen MW, Smirnova A, Heeneman S, Egbrink MGAO, van der Vleuten CPM, Lombarts KMJMH.
Acad Med. 2019;94(9):1384-1397.
Defining and Adopting Clinical Performance Measures in Graduate Medical Education: Where are We Now and Where Are We Going?
Smirnova A; Sebok-Syer SS; Chahine S; Kalet AL; Tamblyn R; Lombarts KMJMH; van der Vleuten CPM; Schumacher DJ
Acad Med. 2019;94(5):671-677.
Faculty’s work engagement in patient care: impact on job crafting of the teacher tasks
JW van den Berg, C Verbergh, A Scherpbier, A Jaarsma, O Arah, M Lombarts
BMC Med Ed; dec 2018;18(1):312.
Learning climate positively influences residents’ work-related well-being
L Lases, O Arah, O Busch, MJ Heineman, K Lombarts
Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract; 5 dec 2018 [ahead of print]
The Association Between Residency Learning Climate and Inpatient Care Experience in Clinical Teaching Departments in the Netherlands
A Smirnova, O Arah, R Stalmeijer, K Lombarts, C van der Vleuten
Acad Med 2018; oct. [ahead of print]
Physicians’ Perceptions of Psychological Safety and Peer Performance Feedback
Scheepers RA, van den Goor M, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
J Cont Educ Health Prof 2018; oct 2018 [ahead of print]
From good to excellent: Improving clinical departments’ learning climate in residency training.
Milou Silkens, Saad Chahine, Kiki Lombarts, Onyi Arah
Med Teach 2018;40:237-243
Efforts, rewards and professional autonomy determine residents’ experienced well-being
Lenny Lases, Irene Slootweg, Robert Pierik, Erik Heineman, Kiki Lombarts
Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2018;aug [ahead of print]
The Relationship Between the Learning and Patient Safety Climates of Clinical Departments and Residents’ Patient Safety Behaviors
Milou Silkens, Ony Arah, Cordula Wagner, Albert Scherpbier, Maas Jan Heineman, Kiki Lombarts
Acad Med 2018;93(9):1374-1380
Reflection revisited: how physicians conceptualize and experience reflection in professional practice – a qualitative study
Elisa Bindels, Christel Verberg, Albert Scherpbier, Sylvia Heeneman, Kiki Lombarts
BMC Med Educ 2018;18:105
The struggle to support the transition to medical educator
Joost van den Berg, Kiki Lombarts
MED EDUC 2018;52:145-147.
Investigating Physicians’ Views on Soft Signals in the Context of Their Peers’ Performance.
M van den Goor, M Silkens, MJ Heineman, K Lombarts
J Healthc Qual 2018; 40(5):310-317
Hospital-wide education committees and high-quality residency training : A qualitative study.
M Silkens, I Slootweg, A Scherpbier, MJ Heineman, K Lombarts
PERSP MED EDUC 2017;6:396-404
Towards healthy learning climates in postgraduate medical education: exploring the role of hospital-wide education committees
M Silkens, K Lombarts, A Scherpbier, MJ Heineman, O Arah
BMC Med Educ 2017;17(1):241.
The Association Between Learning Climate and Adverse Obstetrical Outcomes in 16 Nontertiary Obstetrics-Gynecology Departments in the Netherlands.
Smirnova A, Ravelli ACJ, Stalmeijer RE, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, van der Vleuten CPM, van der Post JAM, Lombarts KMJMH.
ACAD MED 2017;92:1740-48
How changing quality management influenced PGME accreditation: a focus on decentralization and quality improvement
Akdemir N, Lombarts K, Paternotte E, Schreuder B, Scheele F
BMC Med Educ 2017; 17:98
Job Resources, Physician Work Engagement, and Patient Care Experience in an Academic Medical Setting
Scheepers R, Lases L, Arah O, Heineman MJ, Lombarts K
ACAD MED 2017; [ahead of print]
Closing the patient experience chasm: A two-level validation of the Consumer Quality Index Inpatient Hospital Care.
Smirnova A, Lombarts KMJMH, Arah OA, van der Vleuten CPM
HEALTH EXPECT 2017;ahead of print
Is being a medical educator a lonely business? The essence of social support.
van den Berg JW, Verberg CPM, Scherpbier AJJA, Jaarsma ADC, Lombarts KMJMH
MED EDUC 2017;51 (3):302-315
Validation of the INCEPT: A Multisource Feedback Tool for Capturing Different Perspectives on Physicians’ Professional Performance.
van der Meulen MW, Boerebach BCM, Smirnova A, Heeneman S, Oude Egbrink MGA, van der Vleuten CPM, Arah OA, Lombarts KMJMH
J CONTIN EDUC HEALTH 2017;37 (1):9-18
Embracing the Complexity of Valid Assessments of Clinicians’ Performance: A Call for In-Depth Examination of Methodological and Statistical Contexts That Affect the Measurement of Change.
Boerebach BCM, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
ACAD MED 2016;91 (2):215-220
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities (SETQ) in Graduate Medical Training.
Boerebach BCM, Lombarts KMJMH, Arah OA
EVAL HEALTH PROF 2016;39 (1):21-32
Evaluating Mind Fitness Training and Its Potential Effects on Surgical Residents’ Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study.
Lases SS, Lombarts MJMH, Slootweg IA, Arah OA, Pierik EGJM, Heineman E
WORLD J SURG 2016;40 (1):29-37
Redesign of the System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities in Anesthesiology Residency Training (SETQ Smart).
Lombarts KMJMH, Ferguson A, Hollmann MW, Malling B, Arah OA
ANESTHESIOLOGY 2016;125 (5):1056-1065
The involvement of medical doctors in hospital governance and implications for quality management: a quick scan in 19 and an in depth study in 7 OECD countries.
Rotar AM, Botje D, Klazinga NS, Lombarts KM, Groene O, Sunol R, Plochg T
BMC HEALTH SERV RES 2016;16 (2):160
How personality traits affect clinician-supervisors’ work engagement and subsequently their teaching performance in residency training.
Scheepers RA, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
MED TEACH 2016;38 (11):1105-1111
Focus on Quality: Investigating Residents’ Learning Climate Perceptions.
Silkens MEWM, Arah OA, Scherpbier AJJA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
PLOS ONE 2016;11 (1):e0147108
Revisiting the D-RECT tool: Validation of an instrument measuring residents’ learning climate perceptions.
Silkens MEWM, Smirnova A, Stalmeijer RE, Arah OA, Scherpbier AJJA, van der Vleuten CPM, Lombarts KMJMH
MED TEACH 2016;38 (5):476-481
Team communication amongst clinical teachers in a formal meeting of post graduate medical training.
Slootweg IA, Scherpbier A, van der Leeuw R, Heineman MJ, van der Vleuten C, Lombarts KMJMH
ADV HEALTH SCI EDUC 2016;21 (1):207-219
Poor Physician Performance in the Netherlands: Characteristics, Causes, and Prevalence.
van den Goor MMPG, Wagner CC, Lombarts KMJMH
PATIENT SAF 2016;ahead of print
Clinical teaching performance improvement of faculty in residency training: A prospective cohort study.
van der Leeuw RM, Boerebach BCM, Lombarts KMJMH, Heineman MJ, Arah OA
MED TEACH 2016;38 (5):464-470
Residents’ narrative feedback on teaching performance of clinical teachers: analysis of the content and phrasing of suggestions for improvement.
van der Leeuw RM, Schipper MP, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
POSTGRAD MED J 2016;92 (1085):145-151
Supervisoren onder het vergrootglas.
van Engelen TSR, van der Leeuw RM, Lombarts MJMH
The influence of context on the effectiveness of hospital quality improvement strategies: a review of systematic reviews.
Kringos DS, Sunol R, Wagner C, Mannion R, Michel P, Klazinga NS, Groene O [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
BMC HEALTH SERV RES 2015;15 (1):277
Competence-based education misses the essence of the medical profession.
Lombarts MJMHK
PERSPECT MED EDUC 2015;4 (6):326-328
In the eyes of residents good supervisors need to be more than engaged physicians: the relevance of teacher work engagement in residency training.
Scheepers RA, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
ADV HEALTH SCI EDUC 2015;20 (2):441-455
A Systematic Review of the Impact of Physicians’ Occupational Well-Being on the Quality of Patient Care.
Scheepers RA, Boerebach BCM, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
INT J BEHAV MED 2015;22 (6):683-698
Teamwork of clinical teachers in postgraduate medical training.
Slootweg IA.
S.l.: s.n.; 2015. 150p. ISBN 978-94-6233-003-0 Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, onderzoek in AMC-UvA. (Promotor(s): Scherpbier AJJ, Lombarts MJMH, van der Vleuten CPM; copromotor(s): )
Immunization after renal transplantation: current clinical practice.
Struijk GH, Lammers AJJ, Brinkman RJ, Lombarts MJMH, van Vugt M, van der Pant KAMI, ten Berge IJM, Bemelman FJ
TRANSPL INFECT DIS 2015;17 (2):192-200
Implementation of Departmental Quality Strategies Is Positively Associated with Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicenter Study in 73 Hospitals in 7 European Countries.
Sunol R, Wagner C, Arah OA, Kristensen S, Pfaff H, Klazinga N, Thompson CA, Wang A, Dersarkissian M, Bartels P, Michel P, Groene O [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels PD, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw CD, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutriba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
PLOS ONE 2015;10 (11):e0141157
A qualitative interview study on the positive well-being of medical school faculty in their teaching role: job demands, job resources and role interaction.
van den Berg JW, Verberg CPM, Berkhout JJ, Lombarts MJMH, Scherpbier AJJA, Jaarsma ADC
BMC RES NOTES 2015;8 (1):401
The impact of resident- and self-evaluations on surgeon’s subsequent teaching performance.
Boerebach BCM, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Busch ORC, Lombarts KMJMH
WORLD J SURG 2014;38 (11):2761-2769
The impact of clinicians’ personality and their interpersonal behaviors on the quality of patient care: a systematic review.
Boerebach BCM, Scheepers RA, van der Leeuw RM, Heineman MJ, Arah OA, Lombarts KMJMH
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (4):426-481
Is having quality as an item on the executive board agenda associated with the implementation of quality management systems in European hospitals: a quantitative analysis.
Botje D, Klazinga NS, Suñol R, Groene O, Pfaff H, Mannion R, Depaigne-Loth A, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Wagner C [Contributors: K NS, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, S R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, D-L A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, P H, G O, B D, W C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, M R, A OA, D M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):92-99
Feasibility of using administrative data to compare hospital performance in the EU.
Groene O, Kristensen S, Arah OA, Thompson CA, Bartels P, Sunol R, Klazinga N [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (1):108-115
The investigators reflect: what we have learned from the Deepening our Understanding of Quality Improvement in Europe (DUQuE) study.
Groene O, Sunol R [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (1):2-4
Involvement of patients or their representatives in quality management functions in EU hospitals: implementation and impact on patient-centred care strategies.
Groene O, Sunol R, Klazinga NS, Wang A, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Thompson A, Arah OA [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):81-91
Residents’ engagement and empathy associated with their perception of faculty’s teaching performance.
Lases SSL, Arah OA, Pierik EGJMR, Heineman E, Lombarts MJMHK
WORLD J SURG 2014;38 (11):2753-2760
A (good) look at the rating of teaching effectiveness: towards holistic and programmatic assessment.
Lombarts KMJMH
MED EDUC 2014;48 (8):744-747
Effect of the learning climate of residency programs on faculty’s teaching performance as evaluated by residents.
Lombarts KMJMH, Heineman MJ, Scherpbier AJJA, Arah OA
PLOS ONE 2014;9 (1):e86512
Measuring professionalism in medicine and nursing: results of a European survey.
Lombarts KMJMH, Plochg T, Thompson CA, Arah OA [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
PLOS ONE 2014;9 (5):e97069
Measuring clinical management by physicians and nurses in European hospitals: development and validation of two scales.
Plochg T, Arah OA, Botje D, Thompson CA, Klazinga NS, Wagner C, Mannion R, Lombarts K [Contributors: Klazinga NS, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):56-65
Personality traits affect teaching performance of attending physicians: results of a multi-center observational study.
Scheepers RA, Lombarts KMJMH, van Aken MAG, Heineman MJ, Arah OA
PLOS ONE 2014;9 (5):e98107
Deepening our understanding of quality improvement in Europe (DUQuE): overview of a study of hospital quality management in seven countries.
Secanell M, Groene O, Arah OA, Lopez MA, Kutryba B, Pfaff H, Klazinga N, Wagner C, Kristensen S, Bartels PD, Garel P, Bruneau C, Escoval A, França M, Mora N, Suñol R [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Chow A, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):5-15
The effect of certification and accreditation on quality management in 4 clinical services in 73 European hospitals.
Shaw CD, Groene O, Botje D, Sunol R, Kutryba B, Klazinga N, Bruneau C, Hammer A, Wang A, Arah OA, Wagner C [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts K, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Garel P, Hanslik K, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Franca M, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Chow A, Dersarkissian M, Thompson C, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):100-107
Development and validation of an instrument for measuring the quality of teamwork in teaching teams in postgraduate medical training (TeamQ).
Slootweg IA, Lombarts KMJMH, Boerebach BCM, Heineman MJ, Scherpbier AJJA, van der Vleuten CPM
PLOS ONE 2014;9 (11):e112805
Program directors in their role as leaders of teaching teams in residency training.
Slootweg IA, van der Vleuten C, Heineman MJ, Scherpbier A, Lombarts KMJMH
MED TEACH 2014;36 (12):1073-1079
Evidence-based organization and patient safety strategies in European hospitals.
Sunol R, Wagner C, Arah OA, Shaw CD, Kristensen S, Thompson CA, Dersarkissian M, Bartels PD, Pfaff H, Secanell M, Mora N, Vlcek F, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Michel P, Groene O [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, S M, S R, Vallejo P, B PD, K S, M P, Saillour-Glenisson F, V F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, S CD, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, G O, Botje D, W C, K-W H, K B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, A OA, D M, T CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
Evidence-based organization and patient safety strategies in European hospitals.
Visitatie en richtlijnen
van Blommestein R, Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, Lombarts MJMH.
van Everdingen JJE, Dreesens DHH, Burgers JS, Swinkels JA , van Barneveld TA, van der Weijden T, editors. Handboek evidence-based richtlijnontwikkeling, een leidraad voor de praktijk, 2e druk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum; 2013., p. 277-284
DUQuE quality management measures: associations between quality management at hospital and pathway levels.
Wagner C, Groene O, Thompson CA, Dersarkissian M, Klazinga NS, Arah OA, Suñol R [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts K, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Garel P, Hanslik K, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Franca M, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Chow A, Dersarkissian M, Thompson C, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):66-73
Development and validation of an index to assess hospital quality management systems.
Wagner C, Groene O, Thompson CA, Klazinga NS, Dersarkissian M, Arah OA, Suñol R [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Chow A, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):16-26
A checklist for patient safety rounds at the care pathway level.
Wagner C, Thompson CA, Arah OA, Groene O, Klazinga NS, Dersarkissian M, Suñol R [Contributors: Klazinga N, Kringos DS , Lombarts MJMH, Plochg T, Lopez MA, Secanell M, Sunol R, Vallejo P, Bartels P, Kristensen S, Michel P, Saillour-Glenisson F, Vlcek F, Car M, Jones S, Klaus E, Bottaro S, Garel P, Saluvan M, Bruneau C, Depaigne-Loth A, Shaw C, Hammer A, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Groene O, Botje D, Wagner C, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Escoval A, Lívio A, Eiras M, Franca M, Leite I, Almeman F, Kus H, Ozturk K, Mannion R, Arah OA, Dersarkissian M, Thompson CA, Wang A, Thompson A]]
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2014;26 (Suppl. 1):36-46
The teacher, the physician and the person: exploring causal connections between teaching performance and role model types using directed acyclic graphs.
Boerebach BCM, Lombarts KMJMH, Scherpbier AJJ, Arah OA
PLOS ONE 2013;8 (7):e69449
Zorgen over de mentale fitheid van aiossen: 2 mogelijke oplossingsstrategieën.
Lases SSL, Lombarts MJMHK, Heineman E
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 2013;157 (48):A6614
Clinical teachers’ views on how teaching teams deliver and manage residency training.
Slootweg I, Lombarts K, van der Vleuten C, Mann K, Jacobs J, Scherpbier A
MED TEACH 2013;35 (1):46-52
Frequency and determinants of residents’ narrative feedback on the teaching performance of faculty: narratives in numbers.
van der Leeuw RM, Overeem K, Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
ACAD MED 2013;88 (9):1324-1331
Explaining how faculty members act upon residents’ feedback to improve their teaching performance.
van der Leeuw RM, Slootweg IA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
MED EDUC 2013;47 (11):1089-1098
Factors influencing residents’ evaluations of clinical faculty member teaching qualities and role model status.
Arah OA, Heineman MJ, Lombarts KMJMH
MED EDUC 2012;46 (4):381-389
Reliable and Valid Tools for Measuring Surgeons’ Teaching Performance: Residents’ vs. Self Evaluation.
Boerebach BCM, Arah OA, Busch ORC, Lombarts KMJMH
J SURG EDUC 2012;69 (4):511-520
The teacher, the physician and the person: how faculty’s teaching performance influences their role modelling.
Boerebach BCM, Lombarts KMJMH, Keijzer C, Heineman MJ, Arah OA
PLOS ONE 2012;7 (3):e32089
De jaaragenda van de opleider [hfdst. 8]
Heineman MJ, Baane C, Lombarts K.
de Vries T, Brand P, Heineman E, editors. Klinisch onderwijs en opleiden in de praktijk. Deel 2: organiseren, begeleiden, leiderschap. Houten: Prelum; 2012., p. 59-69
De evaluatie van het opleidingsklimaat [hfdst.9]
Lombarts K, Baane C, Heineman MJ.
de Vries T, Brand P, Heineman E, editors. Klinisch onderwijs en opleiden in de praktijk. Deel 2: organiseren, begeleiden, leiderschap. Houten: Prelum; 2012., p. 71-82
Evaluation of physicians’ professional performance: An iterative development and validation study of multisource feedback instruments.
Overeem K, Wollersheim HC, Arah OA, Cruijsberg JK, Grol RPTM, Lombarts KMJMH
BMC HEALTH SERV RES 2012;12 (1):80
Factors predicting doctors’ reporting of performance change in response to multisource feedback.
Overeem K, Wollersheimh HC, Arah OA, Cruijsberg JK, Grol RPTM, Lombarts KMJMH
BMC MED EDUC 2012;12:52
A systematic review of the effects of residency training on patient outcomes.
van der Leeuw RM, Lombarts KMJMH, Arah OA, Heineman MJ
BMC MED 2012;10 (1):65
New tools for systematic evaluation of teaching qualities of medical faculty: results of an ongoing multi-center survey.
Arah OA, Hoekstra JBL, Bos AP, Lombarts KMJMH
PLOS ONE 2011;6 (10):e25983
Physicians Report Barriers to Deliver Best Practice Care for Asplenic Patients: A Cross-Sectional Survey.
Lammers AJJ, Hoekstra JBL, Speelman P, Lombarts KMJMH
PLOS ONE 2011;6 (3):e17302
Splenic studies: prevention of pneumococcal disease on organisational, clinical and experimental level.
Lammers J.
s.l.: s.n.; 2011. 160p. ISBN 9789085708599 Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Promotor(s): Speelman P, van der Poll T; copromotor(s): Hoekstra JBL, Lombarts MJMH)
Assessing the quality of clinical teachers.
Lombarts MJMH, Heineman MJ, Arah OA
J GEN INTERN MED 2011;26 (1):14; author reply 15
Het bewaken en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de vervolgopleiding. De centrale opleidingscommissie als regisseur?
Lombarts MJMHK, Scherpbier AJJA, Heineman MJ
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 2011;155 (49):A3793
Systematic evaluation of the teaching qualities of Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty: reliability and validity of the SETQ tools.
van der Leeuw R, Lombarts K, Heineman MJ, Arah O
PLOS ONE 2011;6 (5):e19142
Investigating organizational quality improvement systems, patient empowerment, organizational culture, professional involvement and the quality of care in European hospitals: the ‘Deepening our Understanding of Quality Improvement in Europe (DUQuE)’ project.
Groene O, Klazinga N, Wagner C, Arah OA, Thompson A, Bruneau C, Suñol R [Contributors: Bartels P, Car M, Cohen A, Depaigne-Loth A, Eryilmaz E, Franca M, Garel P, Hammer A, Hanslik K, Jones S, Kafetz A, Klaus E, Kristensen S, Kutaj-Wasikowska H, Kutryba B, Kus H, Lombarts K, Mannion R, Michel P, Oliveira M, Ommen O, Pfaff H, Plochg T, Saillour-Glenisson F, Secanell M, Shaw C, Vallejo P, Vlcek F, Winter D]]
Management of post-splenectomy patients in the Netherlands.
Lammers AJJ, Veninga D, Lombarts MJMH, Hoekstra JBL, Speelman P
EUR J CLIN MICROBIOL 2010;29 (4):399-405
Performance of Dutch Hospitals in the Management of Splenectomized Patients.
Lammers J, Veninga D, Speelman P, Hoekstra J, Lombarts K
J HOSP MED 2010;5 (8):466-470
Good Clinical Teachers Likely to be Specialist Role Models: Results from a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey.
Lombarts KMJMH, Heineman MJ, Arah OA
PLOS ONE 2010;5 (12):e15202
Meten en verbeteren van opleiderskwaliteiten van klinisch opleiders met het SETQ-systeem.
Lombarts MJMH, Arah OA, Busch ORC, Heineman MJ
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 2010;154 (7):A1222
Peer mentoring in doctor performance assessment: strategies, obstacles and benefits.
Overeem K, Driessen EW, Arah OA, Lombarts KMJMH, Wollersheim HC, Grol RPTM
MED EDUC 2010;44 (2):140-147
Three methods of multi-source feedback compared: a plea for narrative comments and coworkers’ perspectives.
Overeem K, Lombarts MJMH, Arah OA, Klazinga NS, Grol RPTM, Wollersheim HC
MED TEACH 2010;32 (2):141-147
Is patient-centredness in European hospitals related to existing quality improvement strategies? Analysis of a cross-sectional survey (MARQuIS study).
Groene O, Lombarts MJMH, Klazinga N, Alonso J, Thompson A, Suñol R
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 2009;18 (Suppl. 1):I44-I50
Development of a system for the evaluation of the teaching qualities of anesthesiology faculty.
Lombarts KMJMH, Bucx MJL, Arah OA
ANESTHESIOLOGY 2009;111 (4):709-716
Differentiating between hospitals according to the “maturity” of quality improvement systems: a new classification scheme in a sample of European hospitals.
Lombarts MJMH, Rupp I, Vallejo P, Klazinga NS, Suñol R
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 2009;18 (Suppl. 1):I38-I43
Application of quality improvement strategies in 389 European hospitals: results of the MARQuIS project.
Lombarts MJMH, Rupp I, Vallejo P, Suñol R, Klazinga NS
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 2009;18 (Suppl. 1):I28-I37
Doctors’ perceptions of why 360-degree feedback does (not) work: a qualitative study.
Overeem K, Wollersheim H, Driessen E, Lombarts K, van de Ven G, Grol R, Arah O
MED EDUC 2009;43 (9):874-882
Impact of quality strategies on hospital outputs.
Suñol R, Vallejo P, Thompson A, Lombarts MJMH, Shaw CD, Klazinga N
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 2009;18 (Suppl. 1):I62-I68
Volume and diagnosis: an approach to cross-border care in eight European countries.
Vallejo P, Suñol R, van Beek B, Lombarts MJMH, Bruneau C, Vlcek F
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 2009;18 (Suppl. 1):i8-14
Gezondheidszorgonderzoek op het terrein van kwaliteit van zorg
Klazinga NS, de Koning JS, Lombarts MJMH, ten Asbroek AHA, Arah OA.
Plochg T, Juttman RE, Klazinga NS, Mackenbach JP, editors. Handboek Gezondheidszorgonderzoek. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghem; 2007., p. 274-282
Een instrument voor de evaluatie van opleiderskwaliteiten van stafleden.
Lombarts MJMH, Bucx MJL, Rupp I, Keijzers PJ, Kokke SIM, Schlack W
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 2007;151 (36):2004-2008
Doctor performance assessment in daily practise: does it help doctors or not? A systematic review.
Overeem K, Faber MJ, Arah OA, Elwyn G, Lombarts KMJMH, Wollersheim HC, Grol RPTM
MED EDUC 2007;41 (11):1039-1049
Quality improvement of paediatric care in the Netherlands.
Schulpen TWJ, Lombarts KMJ
ARCH DIS CHILD 2007;92 (7):633-636
De betere dokter. Collega’s en patiënten kunnen medisch specialist het best beoordelen.
Lombarts K, Overeem K, Kremer B
MED CONTACT 2006;61 (16):656-659
Visitatie en de wetenschappelijke verenigingen
Breuker KM, Lombarts MJMH, Jongsma D.
Lombarts MJMH, van Wijmen FCB, van de Klundert JLM, editors. Bezoek of bezoeking? Juridische aspecten van visitatie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum; 2005., p. 41-53
Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors
Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005. 200p. ISBN 90-8523-082-9
De KISZ-lijst
Hagemeijer JW, Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 30-55
De complicatiebespreking
Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 120-130
De complicatiebespreking
Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 155-169
Het maatschapsfunctioneren
Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 155-169
Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl: een synopsis
Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 17-23
Professionele ontwikkeling
Lombarts MJMH.
Fossen JA, Hagemeijer JW, de Koning JS, van Logtestijn SI, Lombarts MJMH, editors. Kwaliteitsvisitatie nieuwe stijl. Handboek voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen. Alphen aan de Rijn: Van Zuiden communications; 2005., p. 171-176
Measuring the perceived impact of facilitation on implementing recommendations from external assessment: lessons from the Dutch visitatie programme for medical specialists.
Lombarts MJMHK, Klazinga NSN, Redekop KK
J EVAL CLIN PRACT 2005;11 (6):587-597
Bezoek of bezoeking? Juridische aspecten van visitatie
Lombarts MJMH, van Wijmen FCB, van de Klundert JLM, editors
Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum; 2005. 121p. ISBN 90 313 4655 1
Visitatie in toekomstperspectief
van Wijmen FCB, Lombarts MJMH.
Lombarts MJMH, van Wijmen FCB, van de Klundert JLM, editors. Bezoek of bezoeking? Juridische aspecten van visitatie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum; 2005., p. 105-117
Visitatie en richtlijnen
Lombarts MJMH, de Koning JS, van den Hombergh P.
van Everdingen JJE, Burgers JS, Assendelft WJJ, Swinkels JA , van Barneveld TA, van de Klundert JLM, editors. Evidence-based richtlijnontwikkeling. Een leidraad voor de praktijk. S.l.: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum; 2004., p. 315-325
Meten bij de maten. Kwaliteitsvisitatie gemoderniseerd.
Lombarts MJMH, Bik MCM, van de Klundert JLM
MED CONTACT 2004;59 (35):1350-1354
Visitatie of medical specialists: studies on its nature, scope and impact.
Lombarts MJMH
S.l.: s.n.; 2003. 160p. ISBN 90-9017440-0 Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Promotor(s): Klazinga NS; copromotor(s): )
Inside self-regulation: peer review (visitatie) by Dutch medical specialists.
Lombarts MJMH, Klazinga NS
CLIN GOVERNANCE 2003;8 (4):318-330
Supporting Dutch medical specialists with the implementation of visitatie recommendations: a descriptive evaluation of a 2-year project.
Lombarts MJMH, Klazinga NS
INT J QUAL HEALTH C 2003;15 (2):119-129
External peer review by medical specialist (visitatie) in a legal perspective.
Lombarts MJ, van Wijmen FC
EUR J HEALTH LAW 2003;10 (1):43-51
Doctors and managers – Problems in Dutch hospitals resemble those in British hospitals.
Plochg T, Lombarts K, Witman Y, Klazinga N, Kruijthof K
BMJ-BRIT MED J 2003;326 (7390):657
A policy analysis of the introduction and dissemination of external peer review (visitatie) as a means of professional self-regulation amongst medical specialists in The Netherlands in the period 1985-2000.
Lombarts MJ, Klazinga NS
HEALTH POLICY 2001;58 (3):191-213
Quality management in medical specialties: the use of channels and dikes in improving health care in The Netherlands.
Klazinga N, Lombarts K, van Everdingen J
JT COMM J QUAL IMPROV 1998;24 (5):240-250
Visitatie medisch specialisten in juridisch perspectief.
Lombarts MJ, van Wijmen FC
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 1996;140 (36):1824-1827
Praktijkvergelijking biedt aanknopingspunten voor verbetering van de praktijkvoering: visitaties obstetrie en gynaecologie als voorbeeld.
Lombarts MJ, Merkus JM, Hamersma AM
NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 1995;139 (13):686-690